Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Watch out Chargers... Here we come. Ethan and Dylan tried out football in sports camp this week. Coach Steve taught them the rules of the game.

4 kids would then stand back and wait until the opposing child said hike. Then the four kids would run after the ball carrier trying to pull his flags and NOT tackle him. Here is Dylan as quarterback.

Here is Ethan as quarterback

Friday, October 20, 2006

Child like Faith

I see now that I have children, why God asks us to have child like faith. It is so innocent.

Yesterday Dylan slipped on the sand outside in our backyard. After cleaning and bandaging him up, he told Ethan that they needed to clean up the sand since he slipped and was bleeding. Ethan immediately gets out the broom and Dylan hold the dust pan. I then here "Mommy which side, this side or that side." I turn and look and he is asking me which side his heart is on. I point out that his heart is on the left side. He then looks down and says, "Jesus please heal Dylan's elbow. Thank you!" This of course, came from our previous conversation of telling them that Jesus lives in our heart.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


One evening the boys declared that they were hungry. Usually I give them some fruit, when they request. But this evening I went with pretzels. When I come into their room this is what I see...