Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Kids Magic Mile

Ethan and Dylan have been curious about marathons, and running in a race. So we researched on line and they had a perfect race for them. It is the Union Tribune Race for Literacy. We signed up and waited for March 6. They were excited!! They decided that they would run together the whole time.

Here they are behind the start line waiting for the race to begin

and they are off...

They finished a mile run. They did very well, they were in the top 75 of their age group 6-9

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hannah's Birthday

Hannah turned one! November 9! We had so much fun watching you grow this year! You are a ver sweet and content baby. You have learned how to stand p for yourself and how to fight off the boys. You can say a few words, mama, dada, Ethan, Dylan. You know that a dog says woof woof. You love to eat bananas and ANYTHING that we eat. YOu have long blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. You weigh 20 pounds and are 30 inches long.

Your favorite present was your baby doll.

Grandma made your cake, she always does a beautiful job!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Family Vacation

We decided to take advantage of a time share offer and go on our first family vacation with the kids. We went to Newport Beach. We stayed at the Newport Coast Villas, which were very nice.

Marc was able to take four full days off from work, so we headed to Knotts Berry Farm on Friday. At 6 years old the boys had to pay full ADULT admission due to their height.

Dylan is not really into roller coaster, he tolerates them to keep up with Ethan, but he found one he liked and went on it 5 times.
Hannah also had a great time at Knotts

Saturday was spent avoiding the rain and swimming in the late afternoon.
On Sunday we went over to Balboa Island, we had to ride the auto ferry, the kids loved it.

Three cars drove onto the ferry at one time , you could either sit in your car or ride along side. We did both.
While on the island we walked the Pier and saw someone accidentally catch a sting ray.

We also played in the sand.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hannah is 6 months

Time flies when you are having fun. Hannah is now 6 months old. She is such a joy to have. She just started eating rice cereal. She is really not that into it. She lets mos tof it fall out of her mouth. She is still not sleeping through the night. She loves to get up at 1:00 am. She rolls over from back to fron and front to back. She can sit with support and with out for a few seconds. She loves to get up on all fours, but no sign of crawling yet!!
She has two loving brothers that can not wait to have her crawl to them. She loves to see them every afternoon after school. She squeals in delight.

Dylan, Hannah, and Ethan

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Month 1 and 2

Hannah at three weeks

Hannah at 8 weeks

Hannah is now two months old, how does that happen so fast. She coos and giggles, which brings such joy to our home. The boys run to greet her everyday after school. They are in love with their sister. Ethan made her a mobile. Dylan sings her songs. It is so cute to watch all three of my boys melt over a girl

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hannah Lynn Clark

Here are some pictures for your enjoyment

1st picture as a family of five!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

She is here!!!!!

Our sweet baby girl has arrived!! I was induced on Sunday, November 9, 2008 at around 8:00 am and she was born at 12:37 pm. She weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces and is 20.5 inches long. She has chuby cheeks and hair. We were very suprised with the hair. The boys were both bald until they were almost a year old and then it was blonde peach fuzz. Everything went well and she seems to be a very good baby. Pictures to follow once we get home.