Today was the first day of Kindergarten! Such a big step in letting them go. They are ready, academically, socially, emotionally...but am I ready to hand them off every day for six hours. Hard to believe in many ways that they are old enough to attend school. It seems like yesterday that I was giving birth and wondering if I would make it through the sleepless nights. In other ways it has felt like a long 5 years, after all I have been there for every diaper change, every time out and every cough and cold. Good luck my boys. I hope that today is a fun day, filled with
many happy memories.

Aw, look at those big kindergarteners!!!!
They look ready to take on the day! Hooray!
I hope the boys had a great first day!!
CONGRATULATIONS on the new baby, Shannon. I didn't know. Can't wait to hear about the next Clark. Do you know the gender?
I hope the boys enjoy kindergarten to the hilt!
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