After five years of teaching, I can not tell you how many times I sent Ricky the Raccon home with a student. They children were always thrilled to be going home with Ricky. He had several outfits and a journal in his backpack. The children loved to tell about Ricky and what they did over the weekend when they came back Monday morning. Now that Ricky is enjoying his retirement, I got to experince a new bear come to life through the eyes of my child.
Well, this weekend Corduroy, Dylan's class mascot came home to our house for the weekend. They were both thrilled to have him visit us. Corduroy goes home daily in their Kindergarten class, so Dylan and Ethan were thrilled that he came on Friday because he got to spend three NIGHTS with us instead of one. It was neat to be on this side of the fence and see that Corduroy was cared for every minute of the day. He went out to dinner and had ice cream with us. He played soccer in the backyard. He went to a game and cheered on Dylan and Ethan. Dylan just knew he scored a goal because of Corduroy's cheering and clapping.